Pie | Drew Ellenwood
Tag Archives | Pie

Artistic Problems of Ending a TV Series Too Early: 3 Examples

A TV series has a potential advantage over a movie in that a series affords the chance to follow a story over an extended time.  Events are able to unfold into broad plots and themes.  Characters can be developed in depth. This is a potential but not an inevitable advantage. Problems happen when a series […]

tv series
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How to Make Cherry Pie… Or… Why Guys Trying to Survive Make Their Own Dough

For us guys trying to survive, I’m going to start cooking class with a cherry pie.  And why not?  We could start with how to boil water, but then what do you have?  Hot water.  My way you end up with: 1.  A Cherry Pie 2.  Survival Confidence My wife Dona use to make a pie […]

cherry pie
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